
dreamin' duarte.

having never attained a piece of duarte's in the early 90's when i really wanted to, i jumped and rejoiced when i heard that he was doing a collaboration with j brand. these jeans are quite the splurge for me, but honestly look at the detail--i'm in love. i liked the contrast of pairing them with my grandma's lace blouse from the 60's. this blouse rarely leaves my closet for fear of coffee spills or another of my many clever moves.

have you all had a chance to check out my *inspire site? if you haven't you need to.
thank you all for your support and sweet comments. love.


blouse: grandma's vintage, jeans: j brand duarte raygun moto skinny, shoes: sam edelman zoe, fedora: vintage.

follow apparellel on twitter


  1. hello (: this is a very cute blog!!
    check out mine, i think youll like it veeeeeeery much..

    remember to follow ;)
    i am
    i am following you!

  2. WHOA. i'm in love, too! i don't know how much they were, but they look like they're worth it. you look great in them

  3. ha! I was JUST looking at those yesterday.

  4. Love the duarte pants, they so amazing you on you! Btw the fox tail looks so cute, I want one so bad XD

    Much love always,
    Glendy <3

  5. Hot damn, those pants are fierce & you are super hot in them! Better carry some pepper spray!

    Again, what is the deal w/ the coon tail? I love it. Details?


    p.s. The Navajo Blanket Coat just sold this morning. :( I just listed some upcycled bell bottoms that made me think of you, though.

  6. i love the combination of lace and leather

  7. red lips--thank you, i will check out your blog now!

    alexi--they weren't that much more than your average j brand jean, actually. just more than i wanted to spend at the moment, if you know what i mean. (=;

    c'est moi--a lot of coincidences in the world we call fashion. xxx

    unfunded--you rock, seriously!

    glendy--thanks so much for your comment! i am so in love with your blog! xxx

    nickie--hahaha pepper spray ay. damn i missed the navajo coat. i will go check out your store now. if you must know about the coon tail. i just love foxtails and coon tails. i carry one on my bag at all times. i just try not to draw attention to it because of some peoples beliefs, you know what i mean. (=; xxx

  8. carla--me too, obviously. haha! love. xxx

  9. OMG so that has to be the most perfect shirt ever. Love the styling on this. AMAZED.


  10. great pics!!!nice blog! :D I LIKE IT soooo....

    Follow my blog and I follow your blog:

    i`m happy if you follow me toooo with bloglovin ;)

    kiss from germany ;*)

  11. so amazing!!! way to rock the leather pants, you look HOT!

    xx raez

  12. I hear ya. I used to wear a little mink (you know, the single kind w/ the clip in it's mouth?) when I went to school at Berkeley, just to start sh*t. Oops! What? HaHa! Now that's punk rock. ;)

  13. that's your grannys blouse???
    she 's got awesome taste :)

  14. I love those pants.. wish I found someone just like that

  15. marlboro martini--thank you. unfortunately you can't see the detail on the blouse as much as i would have liked. it's even more gorgeous in person.

    dressed to please--you are very sweet! xxx

    raez--why thank you miss hotness herself!

    nickie--rebel on girl! haha.

    fade to black--my grandma was the most fashionable woman i knew. fortunately a lot of her wardrobe was passed down to me, unfortunately i lost her. )=; thank you for your sweet words!

    polliani--thank you, i consider myself lucky to have scored them and that they fit. purchasing jeans off the internet is sometimes sketchy with sizing. xxx

  16. I know this post is all about the pants, but my god that blouse is stunning! I've been searching for the perfect lacy white blouse for spring. Let me know if you come across a winner :)

  17. wendy b--thank you! xxx

    morning cloak--yes this blouse is like no other. i will definitely let you know if i find a goodie!
